Gearstones Lodge – 2000’s
2000 – 2001
We have put these two years together because on 2001 whilst we were heading for another record income from booking fees we were seriously affected by the foot and month epidemic, which saw the Lodge and Cottage, closed for almost eight months resulting in a significant loss of income. Never the less we were able to make substantial progress in additional facilities and refurbishment thanks to the generosity of other organisations in cash grants or gifts in kind.
A new extension to the Educational Activity unit was built following a grant from the Kirklees and Mirfield Councils Partnership Fund. The Lodge dinning rooms were completely renovated and refurbished, once again thanks to a generous grant, this time from the Community Affairs Section of Barclays Bank.
Michael and Jackie Burrows, a Mirfield business couple, provided goods including: 40 new mattresses for the Lodge and new seating for the lounges, cottage and some of the bedrooms along with material which was used to make new mattress covers, curtains for the ground floor windows and a variety of cushions .
Much human resource was provided for these projects in a stakeholder partnership with Mirfield Day Centre, 1st Mirfield Scouts and parents along with our own volunteers.
The 2nd of June saw the 30th Birthday of the Gearstones Trust. To mark this event an Open Day was held at Gearstones. This event was well received and attended, after an informal opening by the Mayor invited guest were shown round the premises to see the improvements to the Lodge and its facilities.
The partnership with Mirfield Day Centre continued to pay dividends and along with funding generously awarded by United CO-OP Charitable Trust, helping with refurbishment of the cellar area and Whernside bedroom.
The Mirfield Day Centre also helped to redecorate both of the lounges. A number of windows were also replaced along with the completion of the indoor climbing wall.
Tremendous progress was made with the bedroom refurbishments project, with help from the Mirfield Day Centre. A new septic tank was installed involving some very hard work from volunteers to help keep down costs.
2005 saw the refurbishment of another bedroom and the general refurbishment of the cottage taking place. The climbing wall unfortunately went out of commissioned due to funding (mainly insurance).
Further work was carried out on the septic tank, to help complete the installation. Several long standing committee members decided to stand down this year but two new members joined the Management Committee and delivered encouraging contributions to the trust.
Once again tremendous progress was made with the refurbishment of another 2 bedrooms thanks to continuing assistance from Mirfield Day Centre. The long running septic tank replacement project was finally been completed with all required certification coming through.
The ground had also been landscaped providing lawn mower access to all grassed areas a along with the planting of bulbs and shrubs.
In 2007 we made further progress with the refurbishment of another bedroom with continuing assistance from Mirfield Day Centre (Pathways). The grounds have again been improved with improvements to the lawn and more bulbs and shrubs have been planted.
2008 saw further progress with the refurbishment of three more bedrooms.
The Trust goes from strength to strength and the results of our many success can now clearly be seen in the building and facilities available to our clients.